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What are you ALLOWED to expect for in your life? Come find out this Sunday @ 10am @ Bristol Hope Assembly! — This seems like a simple question, but the answer to this question leaves many Believers in a confused state. This week, Pastor David continues our sermon
series on the Presence of God and relating it to Biblical Expectation.

What you expect is what you have faith in; what you have faith in is your God. Expect the Presence of God-the Glory to be manifest continually at church, in your family and in your life. This is true Biblical Expectation. The problem is there is a “Forgotten God” in many churches and in many lives. It is the God of Glory, the manifest Presence of God who is the Spirit of God. “Now the Lord is the #Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” 2 Corinthians 3:17