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Wait in the Weight of His Glory

Waiting…. the most difficult time in life, in a season, or during a situation. Jesus tells his disciples to wait in Jerusalem after his resurrection to receive the power (Holy Spirit) from on high. Why?

The answer may be unlocked in understanding the Biblical mandated feast that comes right after Passover: The Counting of the Omer. Most people have not heard of it, but it is essential in understanding the process of waiting/tarrying in the Lord.

It is a reminder that although you live in abundance (the Promise Land) do not forget you met your God as a desert people. Let us learn what it means to “wait in the weight of His Glory” for the things in your life.

“Behold, I send the Promise of My Father upon you; but tarry (wait) in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high.” Luke 24:9

#BristolBorough #BristolTwp #BristolHope Let His Glory Fall on you!