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Wanderlust Series: The Temptation of Conservation

By January 31, 2021February 1st, 2021No Comments

There is a temptation to conserve. To hold on to, to keep, to store. This is a natural inclination; a carnal inclination. To conserve is to live for the self. It is rooted in fear and ego. The True Gospel is a different story: we are made whole. Out of our spiritual wholeness, we lay our life down and bear the burdens of others.

Viktor Frankel, a holocaust survivor reflecteing on his experiences in Auschwitz states “The point is not what we expect from life but rather what life expects from us.”

Life, Jesus, expects. He expects His children to “live outside of the self.” To be His witness to others, bearing the burdens of others.

“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2

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